It'd be nice if we could start making GW2 Gold our Revenants, even if we couldn't play them till the expansion comes out Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold... You can already make your revenants and play with them. how big is the patch? just running in 100kbps connection. My patch is still downloading, but I heard that it's over 3GB for the full patch... people with slow connections should probably take a nap while it downloads. My connection is 90meg and iv'e been downloading for about 10 mins now. only at 45%. Patch download rate roughly 1 meg. took me about 30 mins to do at 3mbps this morning.
I want Halloween but I also want to run in the jungle. Timing is horrible. Should have just launched HOT on the 1st. Unfortunately I do not have the will power to wait till the first which is why ya should have made us wait another week. You hurt my last feeling. I was saving that feeling in case I ever had a child and now I have no feelings left for my future kid. Geez thnx Obama. Is this HoT as well? Smart bringing them both out at once... squint emoticon
"Due to the weight of players, boxes surrounding the Golem Mark II have collapsed. Workers have carted their remnants away." WTB Faster Internet connection. 3000 ectos or best offer. (Only half joking. Glad I'm able to download this overnight!) hold the launch! i am not home yet !! Tyria needs me!!! As someone who hates change, the new launcher looks pretty decent. Omg I'm so excited!!!! I'm 57% done with the download! Wait.. So.. when is the EXPANSION out..? Wasn't it meant to be out like .. now? Sixteen minutes time! So many things, so little time, such bad pc.
I hope we don't get a repeat of "lost shores" this week when released. Fingers crossed. Please guild wars 2,give me one key,please,i don't have money for buy him this year...please,help me!! I'd be downloading it right now if my system HDD hadn't borked the other day. this install is taking for ever for me. quick question. When do we get the character slot if you pre purchase standard but been registered since beta?