
an upgrade for FFXIV collectors digital items

I am hoping we receive an upgrade for collectors digital items too, I am a big Final Fantasy fan but I refuse to pay £130 for a physical edition when rest of world paying £80-90 for it. I am a fan not a mug.I'm gonna guess that the digital download thing for psn all comes down to localization problems and languages. But who knows. I see the Heavensward DLC on steam but I dont see buy FFXIV Gil a pre-order button or anything. Is it only going to be available once the game comes out? Was really hoping on pre-ordering it for the mount and other in game content but it looks like thats not happening?

Not 100% Andy but id say it will be for per order it's FFXIV Gil prob a bug right now. And who knows Juan but if Japan has there's i cant see why it be held back any longer for us. Just release more PS4 collectors editions on the market I forgot to get one early I NEED A PHYSICAL COLLECTORS EDITION!!!!It's not SE fault consoles and steam still don't allow preorder, it's steam and psn themself, so turn your complains to those. SE got the game out, that's what it had to do.psn japan has it up so you have no clue what your talking about do your homework a lil bit. Btw it's up to SE to work with psn and steam so we are talking to the right ppl. I'm a huge FF fan...I have finished them all...except FFXI and this was my first and sure last mmo...I'm used to do everything in a game and depending so much on others suck...a single game is where a gamer show her or his true abilities.

