
Square Enix pre-order heavenswaird

Yagudo and Antican pls. The ones that look like Urutan-Yensa! I'll check the end rewards and I'll go with the one that has the better stuff for my tastes. Not interested into their lore or anything..

I will protect them with my 2-H sword by making sure higher authorities won't interfere and cause mayhembuy FFXIV gil . Will the moonfire faire event return? because I missed the chance to get a yukata. I'm more interested in the Gnath as a beast tribe, but I like Bismarck more than...the new primal, I forget its name.  i wish you would lift the character creation restrictions on popular NA servers . Whre's the fuckin Yagudo? I wanna kill Yags again.  Still waiting for psn pre order news.. We have patience but can you at least give us something ;  Is that a Prothean onFFXIV Gil the right? So the reapers have invaded Eorzea now lol. Never thought Square Enix would do the "like to cure cancer, share to end world hunger" crap.  I dont really care for the Beast Tribes. All I care about right now is .... When is SE going to post anything about PRE-ORDERS on PSN ? June1st? June18th? Like i mean come on already... even FFXIV2.0 wasnt this bad on giving us release dates ;

You people are morons. What sort of fuckwits don't allow you to update a client ad-hoc?? Stupid cunts. I actually would not be able to tell which ones you like more, The one on the right, but it was a close call. The ones on the left are Bismark's though. More people are going to like than to share, not because of their favorite, but because liking something is much easier and not everyone wants to share something in the first place. It is unfair for the one that has to be shared compared to the one that has to be liked... lol .

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