
how to go through ffxiv story line

None - I am quitting this game... I only bought it recently too, and am already so fed up with how complex everything is.

For example, the Materia system... why cant it just be simple and click to add FFXIV Gil, and click to remove... just like in FF7... without us needing skills to make the materia from items, or some form of item to bind it to another piece of gear?

Then there are the HUGE quest lines, to open up more crap you shouldn't need to have a "skill" for using... like applying Dyes... REALLY?

I thought I could overlook the complexity of this game, and how tedious it was to have to sit by and do all these things, because it's Final Fantasy.... just to make endgame worth while... but, I cant.

I would LOVE to know though if other people out there who played this game, think that there are so many tedius and mundane features in this game, which make it so complex buy FFXIV Gil... like raising your own chocobo, and getting player housng, being a part of a GC, or all of them... unlocking certain dungeons, that are a MAJOR part of your story line... and you can't progress into the game further without doing it... etc etc.

Think I shall return to Guild Wars 2, where things are not as complicated to acchieve, and I don't have to pay monthly ffees to hardly get anywhere.... although, it makes sense why it DOES take you forever to get anything at 50, when there is monthly fee involved... it makes you stay and pay for longer... clever move Squaresoft.

