
Yoshi-P offers up a New Year's greeting to kick the year off

But yes Brittany Marie McDonell, PS3 is getting its support dropped by Stormblood. I would keep an eye out for, and watch the Live Letters where this information is mentioned.  Just got back, so much catching up to do and have another patch in less than two weeks!!! Woot. Been debating on getting this but not sure if it's worth it. Buy FFXIV Gil Opinions from people who play would be great ty.  If it's on sale I would definitely give it a shot. You get a free month when you first buy the game and that's plenty of time to see if you like it. Personally I think the story is really good and the community is pretty helpful. Give it a shot.

Get the 14 day free trial 1st and level as many classes to 30 as you can in that 14days then buy the game because the free trial progress carries over to the full game so long as you use the same account as the free trial. Thanks I will have to do that. Will this ever be on xbox one? Nope. Ms are being dicks about exclusivity and making you still require live gold to play it on top of the games monthly sub and only having it on xbox and not cross play with pc and ps4. And wanting exclusive in game stuff just for xbox. O well of to buy a ps4 wanted one anyway thanks .

They seem to go back and forth with the idea. As of July of last year, SE was waiting to hear back from Microsoft about it. Can't say where it went from there, Cheap FFXIV Gil but I believe Microsoft did recently lift restrictions on cross system play or at least announced they would be. So who knows. Maybe it, like FFXI, will show up five years late to the party. They still want it to have exclusive stuff for xbox and require live to play it so it's not going to happen rob. It's doesn't require PlayStation plus to play online so why should people be forced to pay for xbox live to play it. Cuz Micro$uck is all about gangbanging their customers to get as many of those almighty dollars as they can.

Happy New Year, adventurers! Yoshi-P offers up a New Year's greeting to kick the year off! 14 Red Mages will never know the rigors and glory that was being a FFXI RDM. The endless haste/refresh/dispel/dia cycles. Having to baby sit a Blackmage party in dynamis. Soloing notorious monsters. Converting, chainspell raising people, and then blood pants kiting at like 10hp while the alliance recovers. Those were the days. Lol, those were days, training mobs, especially gobbies in the jungle. Getting to Norg on foot was a gobbie night mare.

