
Defensive attributes analysis for D3

1, Block Value: after being hit in the role, depending on your level of block rate will determine whether or parry. If it is determined to block, then the system will determine the damage reduction, the last block value by subtracting the value of the damage has. For example, after you hit BOSS, by not parry when the hurt is ultimately 5000, assuming that your block value is 3706-4706 and the system randomly to a maximum value 4706 cheap D3 items, then the damage this time you are 294.

2, parry chance: parry parry chance naturally affect the probability of occurrence. This value is not affected character attributes, decided by the equipment and skills.

3, dodge chance: Dodge chance of being hit affect whether the role of judge. Monsters to fight over, the system according to your dodge chance, to determine whether you are hit, if judged not hit, which is dodge. Dodge chance by the property provides agility and articles, agile dodge the impact on the calculation method is slightly weird, is calculated according to the number of different magnitude:

0-100 agility every point within this range provides agile dodge chance is 0.1%;

100-500 agility every point within this range provides agile dodge chance is 0.025%;

500-1000 agile every point within this range provides agile dodge chance is 0.02%;

1000-8000 agile every point within this range provides agile dodge chance is 0.01%.

4, Damage Reduction: Damage reduction provided by the armor, for all damage reduction effects are. It is calculated: Armor reduce injury rate = Armor / (Armor +50 × enemy level), the panel displays the value of its enemies by injury level is your current access level.

5, physics, freezing cold, fire, electric shock, toxins, Arcane / sacred elements such as Resistance: Resistance to All where to buy Diablo 3 account Elements include physical resistance, resistant to the role of harm reduction algorithms are: resistance by injury rate = Resistance / ( Resist +5 * enemy level), the value of harm reduction methods with the same level of the panel properties enemy is your current level value. Influential intellectual confrontational, 1:00 the whole point of intelligence provided 0.1 Elemental Resistance    diablo 3 account sell.

6, the control field relief: often blame on the role of control skills, such as frozen, imprisonment, coma, deceleration, control field relief can reduce the duration of the skill. If you are on the front panel control field reduction is 25%, it is assumed that the original detention time is 2 seconds, and now it becomes a 2 × (1-25%) = 1.5 seconds.

7, Damage Reduction: This value is provided by the equipment, for example, there are certain equipment: Damage reduction 5% of the property described, then the algorithm and its role is to make Ranged Damage by 5%, the actual damage is caused by the original 95% diablo 3 gold.

8 Melee Damage Reduction: This value is similar with remote damage reduction, provided by the equipment directly to the melee damage for waiver.

